Tips and Tricks: Fortnite Battle Royale

Battle Royale is certainly not the easiest game to win, there are 100 players in one match so the odds that you’ll win a game is not all to high. To help you improve these odds we’ve got some tips and tricks lined up for you!
1. Keep moving
There are always flying bullets around your head, so keep moving! Sometimes you don’t even see it coming. By moving the other player will have a harder time hitting you and you will have time to get to cover or return fire.
2. Building
If you get caught by surprise and you’re being shot at, build some walls. You can build a wall and some stairs behind it to be able to peek over the wall and return fire. Also building bases can be a big factor in winning battles, bases allow you to hide somewhere. When you build a base with multiple layers you can create high ground, which is a big advantage. You will be able to see the enemy body but the enemy player only sees your head.
3. Use traps, jump pads and campfires
A lot of people do not use traps, jump pads or campfires. Traps can kill an enemy player or hurt them really bad, you can place these traps on walls, floors and ceilings. Jump pads are pretty much extreme trampolines and can be used to escape an un-winnable situation or when the storm is closing in on you. Fly to safety, or use it to sneak up behind enemy lines. Are you hurt and so not have a med kit, bandages or slurp juice? Use a Cozy Campfire, this campfire can be placed on floors and regenerates your health. When playing with a squad it’s also nice to share some old stories around the campfire.

4. Accuracy
When you shoot at an enemy make sure you stand still or even better: crouch, this improves your accuracy a lot and you’ll be able to hit your target better. So don’t walk while shooting! Also shooting in bursts improves the accuracy so don’t just spray and pray unless you have a mini gun. Fire away!
5. Headshots
Just like in real life when you hit the head with a bullet it does significant damage. In Fortnite when you hit somebody in the head it does double or even triple the damage of a normal body shot. Aim for the nugget!

6. Shield use
When you land and find a shield potion, hold on for it for a second. A normal shield potion gives you fifty health, mini shields give you 25 health per potion (you can find 3 in one drop) but mini shield only shield up to 50 health. So when you take a normal shield potion you can not use your small shield potions anymore, make sure to use them in the correct order! It might save your life.
7. Inventory
Organise your inventory! This way you know where all your items are every match, you don’t have to look at your inventory when you switch weapons. You know what you can expect when you switch weapons this also become muscle memory and helps you out a great deal in clutch situations.